9 Reasons to Choose LED: LED Technology Not Only Saves Your Energy Bill but Your Eyes Too
Picking the best bulb for your barn light, picture light, piano light, or other fixture is a task in itself. Bulbs vary based on wattage, size, illumination and color, features, the amount of heat and UV rays radiated, efficiency, longevity, upfront cost and energy bill costs, and overall quality. (Whew, that was a mouthful.)
Before opting for a bulb, strongly consider going the LED (Light-emitting diode) option, and here’s why:
1. They produce minimal UV radi
16th May 2018
Top 8 Tips for Lighting a Painting
Top 8 Tips for Lighting a Painting
"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls." Haven't you often heard this in conversations about art? One friend resorts to this famous quotation by Pablo Picasso while defending his splurge on that very expensive piece of art that now hangs in the entrance of his house. As you gaze at the painting, you realize that something is missing. Picture Lights!
So, what really are these
picture lights and why are they s
25th Apr 2018
The Difference Between LED, Incandescent and CFL Light Bulbs
An incandescent light bulb works by heating a wire filament heated to a high temperature by passing an electric
current through it, until the filament glows with visible light. This means that the bulb is primarily powered by heat, rather than actually creating light. In fact, as the bulb continues to
operate, the filament slowly evaporates due to the heat, until it eventually breaks down completely and the bulb needs to be replaced.
A compact
fluorescent light
29th Sep 2016
Why Choose LED?
Why switch to LED?
You’ve probably heard that LED is better, but why? Learn more about LED lights and the top 5 reasons you should switch to LED lighting.
What is LED?
A LED is a light-emitting diode, a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current passes through it, converting electricity into light. When one or more LEDs are combined with an electrical driver and placed in a housing, you have a complete LED light bulb or LED light fixture.
9th Aug 2016
Introducing New LED Piano Floor Lamp
We here at Cocoweb are proud to present the latest addition to our piano floor lamp collection, the “High Powered, Dimmable LED Piano Floor Lamp”. Building off our popular classic piano floor lamp, there is a lot to be excited for in this latest revolutionary edition. With advanced features such as dimmable lighting and added flexibility, this brand new piano floor lamp is the perfect addition to any home for piano players and home enthusiasts alike!
You can learn more about this throug
18th Mar 2016