cocoweb Picture light

Paintings & Photo Prints

Discover a curated collection of unique artwork created by talented artists, featuring stunning paintings and photo prints that bring personality and charm to any space. Whether you’re looking to add a bold statement piece or a subtle touch of elegance, this program connects you with one-of-a-kind creations that speak to your style and make your home truly your own.

Barn Lights

Our Barn Light collection includes numerous installation types to fit your needs from gooseneck lights, wall sconces, post lights, sign lights, and pendant lighting.

cocoweb barn light Dahlia contemporary arm
cocoweb Picture light

Picture & Art Lights

Cocoweb knows that adding light to pictures and paintings is essential and we strive to provide a high quality product that includes convenience and longevity while illuminating your artwork.

Piano Lights

When it comes to playing the piano, adequate lighting is a must. With a wide variety of lights to choose from for grand pianos, upright pianos, floor lamps, and more we are sure you will find the perfect light to match your piano.

cocoweb Piano lights